Better health for women
Women's Health Advocacy Network (WHAN) is a charity that relieves the needs and preserve and protect the physical and mental health of women and girls in the UK and beyond who have survived rape or sexual abuse by anyone

We aim to empower individuals who had suffered from any form of sexual violence and abuse to rebuild their lives free from violence and fear.
We work in collaboration with various organisations both governmental and non-governmental in achieving our goal. We actively follow a 3-way strategy : Identify, Protect and Prevent.
Identify – Through our Awareness strategies Online forums, Chats and Apps we encourage individuals to access the support available.
Protect. – A dedicated specialised team assess each individual need and a personalised care plan made and executed in collaboration with all the support and help available.
Prevent – Through repeated risk assessments, education, training and awareness further sexual violence and abuse is prevented and help to rebuild their lives free from violence and abuse.